I recently listened to one of my regular podcasts - "Back to the Bible" by Dr. Woodrow Kroll. You can download the podcasts here. The topic of 3 recent bible study podcasts led by Dr. Kroll were on the topic that I seem to ponder quite frequently in my own life - salvation assurance. Dr. Kroll studied the 4th and 5th chapters of the epistle of 1 John, and outlined several ways that a believer can know that he or she is truly saved and is a child of God. These chapters in 1 John are written by John as a way for believers to know that they are saved, and I found them a refreshing and clarifying analysis of the topic. For someone that examines his faith rather frequently, Dr. Kroll did a nice job of listing out the various evidence in a believer's life as written in 1 John.
(The list below are my paraphrases, quotes, and notes from Dr. Kroll's study directly from his verse by verse study of 1 John 4 and 5)
1. A true believer walks in God's light. He or she has a passion for God's Word, and desires God's examination and scrutiny in their life. They welcome God's light to show them where they have sinned and need repentance. This obviously comes through more time spent in God's Word and in prayer.
2. A true believer desires fellowship with other believers. Those truly born again enjoy fellowship with other people who are born again. They enjoy the Christian church and the community that it offers.
3. True believers recognize sin in their lives and are concerned about their sin. They have a keen sense of their own sinfulness and are convicted by sin (the work of the Holy Spirit). They are bothered by sin in their life and bothered by sin and injustice in the world. They cringe when they have an impure thought, and feel awful when they do or say something wrong.
4. True believers desire to keep the Word of God. They willfully obey God's Word.
5. Those truly saved do not love the world.
6. Those truly saved eagerly await the coming of our Lord Jesus. They long for the day they will be with Jesus.
7. True believers search their lives for any sin that they need to repent of and remove. They seek to remove sins that they struggle with and fall into. They do not look upon sins that they struggle with with indifference or no regard. They try and take their sin as seriously as God does.
8. Truly saved people have a genuine love for other believers. This does not mean that believers will always agree or act the same as each other, but genuinely saved people tend to love their fellow believers.
9. True believers demonstrate their love for others, not only in what they say, but especially in what they do.
10. The Holy Spirit's witness within you tells you that you are born again. You also have a heightened conscious by the Word of God that convicts of sin, which is also the work of the Holy Spirit. The presence of the Holy Spirit speaks loudly to you that you are indeed a child of God.
11. True believers desire to live a Godly life. They desire to pursue holiness.
12. True believers have a heightened ability to decipher truth from error. By spending more and more time in God's Word, true believers hear from the Lord and are able to ascertain truth from untruth. They can identify Satan's lies. They know when they hear or read false teaching that is not in alignment with God's Word.
13. Those truly born again confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He is Lord of their life. Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the Messiah, is born of God!
14. Truly saved people exhibit faith that overcomes in this world. They overcome trials and tribulation. Their faith in the Lord remains steadfast and true. They pursue to the end.
15. Truly saved people know they are saved because they believe the promises of God. The adage holds true - "God said it, I believe it, that settles it!" God says that He will give us eternal life and save us from our sin and provides the necessary steps to salvation in His Word. Truly saved people believe this and confess it.
16. Those that are truly born again trust the purpose of God's Word. By reading God's Word more and more, assurance of salvation will grow.
This study was incredibly fruitful for me as I examined and continue to examine my life and my faith. Dr Kroll teaches that a true believer may not see the evidence of all of these areas in his or her life, but they should definitely see some. They should also see a growing pattern in these areas and to desire to grow in all of these areas.
How does one become saved?
1. Accept that you are a sinner and that you cannot save yourself.
2. Believe that Jesus died specifically for this reason: to pay the penalty for your sin.
3. Confess that you need Jesus and claim Him to be your Savior.
If you genuinely do these 3 things, under the authority of God's Word, you are indeed saved!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Baby Leaped in Her Womb (Luke 1:41)
Mark Driscoll, one of the pastors of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, gives a powerful sermon in his current sermon series on the gospel of Luke. Very powerful sermon on abortion and the need for the church to take a pro-life stand.
This is a topic that the church must not ignore (and I think that many rightly do not). The church must be there to show the love of Jesus to women who have had an abortion (and men who have been a part of that decision as well), and lead them to the forgiveness and grace that only comes from Jesus Christ. For we have all sinned and all fallen short, and we all need the forgiveness and grace of Jesus (Romans 3:23). I think it is sometimes a challenge for a Christian to speak out on these issues, for we are called to speak the truth in love and stand for biblical truths, while also not coming across as judgmental towards others and condemning them, and instead showing the love of Christ to them.
However, Christians must continue to take moral stands and preach on these incredibly important issues (again, while doing so in a loving and non-judgmental way). You'll notice that Driscoll saves the majority of his criticism in the sermon not for those that are pro-choice and are not Christians, but for those within the church that are pro-choice! You'll also notice that Driscoll draws on his experiences on being pro-choice before he was saved, and how he changed his mind on this issue after his conversion. We probably can't expect to change many hearts and minds on this issue through argument and debate with the world outside of the church. What we can do is speak the truth in love, and especially pray for God to change hearts and minds.
This is a topic that the church must not ignore (and I think that many rightly do not). The church must be there to show the love of Jesus to women who have had an abortion (and men who have been a part of that decision as well), and lead them to the forgiveness and grace that only comes from Jesus Christ. For we have all sinned and all fallen short, and we all need the forgiveness and grace of Jesus (Romans 3:23). I think it is sometimes a challenge for a Christian to speak out on these issues, for we are called to speak the truth in love and stand for biblical truths, while also not coming across as judgmental towards others and condemning them, and instead showing the love of Christ to them.
However, Christians must continue to take moral stands and preach on these incredibly important issues (again, while doing so in a loving and non-judgmental way). You'll notice that Driscoll saves the majority of his criticism in the sermon not for those that are pro-choice and are not Christians, but for those within the church that are pro-choice! You'll also notice that Driscoll draws on his experiences on being pro-choice before he was saved, and how he changed his mind on this issue after his conversion. We probably can't expect to change many hearts and minds on this issue through argument and debate with the world outside of the church. What we can do is speak the truth in love, and especially pray for God to change hearts and minds.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Disputable Matters
For those that know me know that my family and I are still in the process of finding a new church home. We used to live in another community and had the privilege of assisting with a church plant there. We remained in that church home for 3 years and loved it. However, we ultimately decided to move to another community to be closer to our jobs, and have been in the process of finding a church home ever since. Regrettably, this process has grown to be much longer and more drawn out than I had anticipated. One of the frustrating things I've found is how there are so many differences between the churches that we've visited over the last 9 months. We've visited traditional baptist churches, more nontraditional baptist churches, charismatic churches, churches with strong teaching and sermons, churches that focus on worship, and others. After visiting all of these churches, it leaves me always with the thought on which church is God calling my family and I to? And those thoughts always ultimately lead me, probably incorrectly, into the thinking on which church has it right? Who's truly right? At this point in my Christian walk, I can honestly say that I'm very concerned with truth. I have less and less regard for what isn't true, and more and more interest in what is true from God's perspective, and this applies to all areas of my faith and my future church community.
Should we attend a church where the gifts of the Spirit (speaking in tongues, prophesy, etc...) are the pillar of the church's worship or should we be apart of a church where these gifts are seldom (if ever) mentioned? Should we attend a church where new songs are sung and old hymns are still celebrated, or attend a church where the belief is that old hymns have no place in the church of today? Should we attend a church who's driving focus is social justice and serving and showing God's love to others or a church who instills the more direct evangelistic methods? Should we attend a church that embraces women leadership in the church or one that doesn't? Should we be apart of a church whose mission is to grow rapidly and get people in the doors (and as a result, maybe lack a little sermon depth) or attend a church where I will always be taught on Sunday morning like I'm in a seminary classroom?
Now, in all fairness, we've enjoyed nearly all of the churches we've visited, and all of them I believe are truly seeking God's will for their church's mission. I am by no means an expert in the Bible, but I do know that there is a lot of room in the Bible for interpretation and allowing God to speak to us through the Bible. The Bible is God's Living Word, and I believe God uses His Word to teach and grow his disciples as He sees fit. Some believers will be granted the gifts of the Spirit according to God's Word, and God will use those gifts to glorify Him, reach the lost, heal the sick, etc... God will use his Word to equip some to directly share the gospel with their friends and neighbors, while others he will use His Word to shape the direction of a church into loving others through service and kindness. God will use His Word to call some for the first time to church to draw them to himself, and will also use His Word to call seasoned believers to a church that specializes in discipleship and teaching. I guess that is likely part of the reason why there are so many denominations (obviously this discussion is rooted in the protestant church), and so many differences even between churches within these denominations. However, I at times need to be reminded that it is OK for these churches to individually seek God and His Will as they believe He is calling them to do, as long as everything surrounding their church mission and direction is biblical and from God. Additionally, these disagreements between churches and denominations must be done in a respectful and loving manner. (Again, provided that a church is seeking God's will in a biblical way - I would argue that there are churches and denominations that have potentially strayed too far from biblical teachings)
As I was recently reading in Romans, Paul speaks on this topic in chapter 14. Paul uses this chapter to speak about the weak and the strong in the faith and how we as Christians should not judge other believers based on where they are at with the Lord. He also discusses disputable matters and how Christians do not agree on all matters pertaining to the Christian life, nor do they need to.
I think this is an important reminder for the church today. However, it does leave one question - what does Paul, and ultimately God, believe are "disputable matters" that are OK for Christians to disagree on? Christian churches, in my opinion, obviously must hold to the tenets of the Christian faith. However, what are the disputable matters beyond the basics? What is OK to disagree on and what should we be in agreement on? The answer to that question probably only comes from the Lord and is granted to his disciples who continue to seek Him. May we all continue to seek Him as the collective body of Christ.
Should we attend a church where the gifts of the Spirit (speaking in tongues, prophesy, etc...) are the pillar of the church's worship or should we be apart of a church where these gifts are seldom (if ever) mentioned? Should we attend a church where new songs are sung and old hymns are still celebrated, or attend a church where the belief is that old hymns have no place in the church of today? Should we attend a church who's driving focus is social justice and serving and showing God's love to others or a church who instills the more direct evangelistic methods? Should we attend a church that embraces women leadership in the church or one that doesn't? Should we be apart of a church whose mission is to grow rapidly and get people in the doors (and as a result, maybe lack a little sermon depth) or attend a church where I will always be taught on Sunday morning like I'm in a seminary classroom?
Now, in all fairness, we've enjoyed nearly all of the churches we've visited, and all of them I believe are truly seeking God's will for their church's mission. I am by no means an expert in the Bible, but I do know that there is a lot of room in the Bible for interpretation and allowing God to speak to us through the Bible. The Bible is God's Living Word, and I believe God uses His Word to teach and grow his disciples as He sees fit. Some believers will be granted the gifts of the Spirit according to God's Word, and God will use those gifts to glorify Him, reach the lost, heal the sick, etc... God will use his Word to equip some to directly share the gospel with their friends and neighbors, while others he will use His Word to shape the direction of a church into loving others through service and kindness. God will use His Word to call some for the first time to church to draw them to himself, and will also use His Word to call seasoned believers to a church that specializes in discipleship and teaching. I guess that is likely part of the reason why there are so many denominations (obviously this discussion is rooted in the protestant church), and so many differences even between churches within these denominations. However, I at times need to be reminded that it is OK for these churches to individually seek God and His Will as they believe He is calling them to do, as long as everything surrounding their church mission and direction is biblical and from God. Additionally, these disagreements between churches and denominations must be done in a respectful and loving manner. (Again, provided that a church is seeking God's will in a biblical way - I would argue that there are churches and denominations that have potentially strayed too far from biblical teachings)
As I was recently reading in Romans, Paul speaks on this topic in chapter 14. Paul uses this chapter to speak about the weak and the strong in the faith and how we as Christians should not judge other believers based on where they are at with the Lord. He also discusses disputable matters and how Christians do not agree on all matters pertaining to the Christian life, nor do they need to.
I think this is an important reminder for the church today. However, it does leave one question - what does Paul, and ultimately God, believe are "disputable matters" that are OK for Christians to disagree on? Christian churches, in my opinion, obviously must hold to the tenets of the Christian faith. However, what are the disputable matters beyond the basics? What is OK to disagree on and what should we be in agreement on? The answer to that question probably only comes from the Lord and is granted to his disciples who continue to seek Him. May we all continue to seek Him as the collective body of Christ.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
One Last Thought On Keller's Book (Maybe)
One last thought on Keller's "The Reason for God" book (maybe). Keller concludes his book with another thought that gave me pause. On pg. 237, Keller includes an explanation on "How does one become a Christian". As someone who has been a disciple of Christ since I was a young boy, I admit that I have really examined my salvation over the last year or two. As the apostle Paul calls us to "examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith", I have truly been examining myself (over and over again). I have read books, read the gospels, listened to sermons and podcasts, and had conversations with friends and family. All in an attempt to shore up my understanding of the gospel and to make sure that I have truly received it and been converted.
On pg. 237 Keller extends some advice to people like me that struggle with the salvation assurance. Keller states the importance of seeking God, of understanding the need for repentance, the need for a Savior. These are all truths that I believe and confess. However, at times I don't "feel" close to God. I don't feel his presence. I don't always feel "saved". I worry or fear that I am a nominal Christian who is just kidding himself. So, what's a person to do who feels the way I sometimes do? What is the answer to this perplexing question?
According to Keller, I've been praying for God to help me find Him. I can't count how many times I've prayed that prayer. However, when was the last time I prayed for God to come and fine me? For a Christian, it isn't that we came to God's grace and sought him out, but that God and his grace sought US out! If it weren't for God's grace and his presence and calling in my life, I don't believe I would even know that I was a sinner apart from God at one time. I wouldn't even know that I needed Him. But, I do know these things. For God's grace sought me out and saved me, and I pray for that understanding and assurance yet again.
Keller's concludes his book with a story on pg. 240:
During a dark time in her life, a woman in my congregation complained that she had prayed over and over, "God, help me find you," but had gotten nowhere. A Christian friend suggested to her that she might change her prayer to, "God, come and fine me. After all, you are the Good Shepherd who goes looking for the lost sheep." She concluded when she was recounting this to me, "The only reason I can tell you this story is -- he did."
"God, I want to know you more. I desire for a joy and an assurance of my salvation that only comes from you. I thank you for your grace and your love. I pray that you will reveal yourself to me more and more each day, and that I will know your will and your truth. Amen"
On pg. 237 Keller extends some advice to people like me that struggle with the salvation assurance. Keller states the importance of seeking God, of understanding the need for repentance, the need for a Savior. These are all truths that I believe and confess. However, at times I don't "feel" close to God. I don't feel his presence. I don't always feel "saved". I worry or fear that I am a nominal Christian who is just kidding himself. So, what's a person to do who feels the way I sometimes do? What is the answer to this perplexing question?
According to Keller, I've been praying for God to help me find Him. I can't count how many times I've prayed that prayer. However, when was the last time I prayed for God to come and fine me? For a Christian, it isn't that we came to God's grace and sought him out, but that God and his grace sought US out! If it weren't for God's grace and his presence and calling in my life, I don't believe I would even know that I was a sinner apart from God at one time. I wouldn't even know that I needed Him. But, I do know these things. For God's grace sought me out and saved me, and I pray for that understanding and assurance yet again.
Keller's concludes his book with a story on pg. 240:
During a dark time in her life, a woman in my congregation complained that she had prayed over and over, "God, help me find you," but had gotten nowhere. A Christian friend suggested to her that she might change her prayer to, "God, come and fine me. After all, you are the Good Shepherd who goes looking for the lost sheep." She concluded when she was recounting this to me, "The only reason I can tell you this story is -- he did."
"God, I want to know you more. I desire for a joy and an assurance of my salvation that only comes from you. I thank you for your grace and your love. I pray that you will reveal yourself to me more and more each day, and that I will know your will and your truth. Amen"
More Thoughts on Keller's Book
More thoughts on Tim Keller's "The Reason for God" book...
Keller, on pg. 178, warns us believers against the tendency for "Pharisaism". I must admit that as I examine my own life and walk, I do have a tendency for this. Pharisaism, named after the Pharisees in Jesus' day who were a self-righteous group of Jews who Jesus often called out for the sinful, selfish motives.
Keller reminds us of the danger of pharisaism - how these people tend to build their lives and sense of worth on their moral and spiritual performance, and that God owes them salvation for being such a "good Christian". This is contrary to the gospel and is legalistic - for salvation comes through faith in Christ alone. It is not the good works that we do after our conversion that saves us, for we do not earn any righteousness from God for anything that we do. All of our righteousness is granted to us through our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ! When God grants us righteousness, He grants it to us because of what Christ did for us on the cross.
Unfortunately, we see pharisaic (not sure if that's a word :-) ) tendencies all of the time in the church. Sadly, sometimes the pews are filled with legalistic, self-righteous, insecure, politically-driven, and insecure people. People who tear down others Christians doctrinal beliefs because they do not perfectly align with their own. Again, sadly, I confess that I am prone to these tendencies and am need or repentance.
"Please God, forgive me for the times I act like a Pharisee. Holy Spirit, change my heart into a heart like Jesus'. Amen."
Keller, on pg. 178, warns us believers against the tendency for "Pharisaism". I must admit that as I examine my own life and walk, I do have a tendency for this. Pharisaism, named after the Pharisees in Jesus' day who were a self-righteous group of Jews who Jesus often called out for the sinful, selfish motives.
Keller reminds us of the danger of pharisaism - how these people tend to build their lives and sense of worth on their moral and spiritual performance, and that God owes them salvation for being such a "good Christian". This is contrary to the gospel and is legalistic - for salvation comes through faith in Christ alone. It is not the good works that we do after our conversion that saves us, for we do not earn any righteousness from God for anything that we do. All of our righteousness is granted to us through our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ! When God grants us righteousness, He grants it to us because of what Christ did for us on the cross.
Unfortunately, we see pharisaic (not sure if that's a word :-) ) tendencies all of the time in the church. Sadly, sometimes the pews are filled with legalistic, self-righteous, insecure, politically-driven, and insecure people. People who tear down others Christians doctrinal beliefs because they do not perfectly align with their own. Again, sadly, I confess that I am prone to these tendencies and am need or repentance.
"Please God, forgive me for the times I act like a Pharisee. Holy Spirit, change my heart into a heart like Jesus'. Amen."
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I recently read K.P. Yohannan's book "Revolution in World Missions". Yohannan is the founder and international director for the mission organization Gospel for Asia. Gospel for Asia trains and equips native missionaries throughout Asia to spread the gospel and meet the needs of the poor and oppressed. You can check out their website here.
I requested a free copy of this book after hearing a little about this wonderful organization. You can request your free copy here. I must say that Yohannan's thoughts on the native missionary movement fascinated and excited me. The book goes into great depths on how successful the native missionary movement is in Asia, and is a bold call to the affluent church in the West to do more to support native missionaries throughout the world. Yohannan strongly believes that native missionaries are far more productive and successful at reaching the lost with the Good News of Jesus Christ than missionaries that are traditionally sent from western nations. This is in large part due to language and cultural barriers that must be overcome by non-native missionaries, as well as the huge amounts of financial resources that it takes to support western missionaries in foreign lands. Native missionaries, however, already know the language, culture, and have the contacts to be succesful immediately. They also require a small fraction of the financial support for living expenses that a typical western missionary needs. However, Yohannan doesn't believe that western churches should stop sending their own missionaries. He does, however, believe that our churches should refocus on what we can all do to assist what God is obviously doing through native missionaries. He also calls into question (rightly so!) some of the large amount of financial resources that are spent in thousands of North American churches each year on buildings, programming, and entertainment, with many of those dollars having little to do with reaching the lost for Christ and loving our neighbors. If we could redirect even some of these resources to native missions, Yohannan believes that so much more of the harvest that is exploding in Asia could finally be brought in!
I for one was gripped by this vision after reading this book. I hope you request your copy, read the book, and commit to helping missionaries in other parts of the world reach the lost for Christ.
I requested a free copy of this book after hearing a little about this wonderful organization. You can request your free copy here. I must say that Yohannan's thoughts on the native missionary movement fascinated and excited me. The book goes into great depths on how successful the native missionary movement is in Asia, and is a bold call to the affluent church in the West to do more to support native missionaries throughout the world. Yohannan strongly believes that native missionaries are far more productive and successful at reaching the lost with the Good News of Jesus Christ than missionaries that are traditionally sent from western nations. This is in large part due to language and cultural barriers that must be overcome by non-native missionaries, as well as the huge amounts of financial resources that it takes to support western missionaries in foreign lands. Native missionaries, however, already know the language, culture, and have the contacts to be succesful immediately. They also require a small fraction of the financial support for living expenses that a typical western missionary needs. However, Yohannan doesn't believe that western churches should stop sending their own missionaries. He does, however, believe that our churches should refocus on what we can all do to assist what God is obviously doing through native missionaries. He also calls into question (rightly so!) some of the large amount of financial resources that are spent in thousands of North American churches each year on buildings, programming, and entertainment, with many of those dollars having little to do with reaching the lost for Christ and loving our neighbors. If we could redirect even some of these resources to native missions, Yohannan believes that so much more of the harvest that is exploding in Asia could finally be brought in!
I for one was gripped by this vision after reading this book. I hope you request your copy, read the book, and commit to helping missionaries in other parts of the world reach the lost for Christ.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I recently finished up Pastor Tim Keller's book "The Reason for God". This is a great book that I began reading a year ago, never finished, and re-read this past month. Keller is the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC. In his book, he outlines several of the objections to Christianity and Christ that he has heard in his years of ministry. In the book he presents his apologetic arguments against many of these beliefs that are held by skeptics in society. I found his book to be an excellent book on apologetics, and quite frankly, one of the best books I've read on addressing the main tenets of the Christian faith.
Among the tidbits I read from the book was Keller's definition of the problem of sin. I, like most, often am guilty of filing the "problem of sin" into a series of wrongs or "don't do's". And sin certainly applies to those "don't do's" in our life. However, Keller correctly argues that the "problem" of sin goes much deeper than this. Sin is foundational in man's quest for his own identity apart from God. The first of God's Ten Commandments is to "have no other God's before me". Therefore, the problem of sin is often a problem of idolatry - or worshipping things other than God. I think that this is a signficant problem - even in many Christian's lives. Sadly, we are all at times guilty of putting things above God - even good things. According to Keller, "...the primary way to define sin is not just the doing of bad things, but the making of good things into ultimate things. It is seeking to establish a sense of self by making something else more central to your significance, purpose, and happiness than your relationship with God." (p. 162) Therefore, as Christians who understand the need for repentence, we must recognize our need to repent not only of the things we do that are apart from God's will, BUT also to repent of our own selfishness, our desires for other things above God, and for striving to build up our own identies instead of God's.
"Lord, please forgive us"
Among the tidbits I read from the book was Keller's definition of the problem of sin. I, like most, often am guilty of filing the "problem of sin" into a series of wrongs or "don't do's". And sin certainly applies to those "don't do's" in our life. However, Keller correctly argues that the "problem" of sin goes much deeper than this. Sin is foundational in man's quest for his own identity apart from God. The first of God's Ten Commandments is to "have no other God's before me". Therefore, the problem of sin is often a problem of idolatry - or worshipping things other than God. I think that this is a signficant problem - even in many Christian's lives. Sadly, we are all at times guilty of putting things above God - even good things. According to Keller, "...the primary way to define sin is not just the doing of bad things, but the making of good things into ultimate things. It is seeking to establish a sense of self by making something else more central to your significance, purpose, and happiness than your relationship with God." (p. 162) Therefore, as Christians who understand the need for repentence, we must recognize our need to repent not only of the things we do that are apart from God's will, BUT also to repent of our own selfishness, our desires for other things above God, and for striving to build up our own identies instead of God's.
"Lord, please forgive us"
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I just read a great teaching by Ray Comfort called "Hells Best Kept Secret". You can access and read this teaching here. I strongly recommend that you read this teaching. (If you haven't already - perhaps I'm the slow one and everyone has read this already). Ray Comfort is an evangelist that has paired up with Kirk Cameron (childhood star on the TV show "Growing Pains" and actor in recent Christian movies such as "Fireproof" and the "Left Behind" series) to lead an evangelism resource and training ministry called "The Way of the Master".
Ray's influential teaching called "Hells Best Kept Secret" is a message to the church and the saints on the true method of evangelism: the use of God's law (the ten commandments) to convince nonbelievers of their need for salvation. Ray argues that the church today has adopted the "life enhancement" method of sharing the gospel. Instead of preaching that nonbelievers are in danger of an eternity in hell without God as result of their unrepentant sin; a majority of modern day evangelism focuses to convince people that Jesus will make their life better and more fulfilled. And he does do this (and will); however, if a person isn't convinced that they NEED Christ's salvation as forgiveness for their sins FIRST, they will have a hard time on the journey of the Christian life. The Bible says that all believers will face persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). Therefore, it a believer isn't joyful of their salvation because of what they know that Christ spared them from (God's judgment and an eternity in Hell), then they are in danger of falling away from the faith and not trusting God when times are tough and persecution comes. Therefore, it is imperative that as we seek to share the gospel, according to Ray's teaching and the teachings of the Bible - that we speak to people about how they've broken God's law and need His forgiveness. Only when you've convinced someone of God offering them a free gift of having spared them from a penalty that we all deserve (as we've all broken God's law) will that person become an authentic follower of Christ. Sharing the gospel and only focusing on grace and life fulfillment (and not first on repentance) is not sharing the true gospel. God's grace in salvation is equally important in the gospel message - but it follows the true repentance of a person for breaking God's law and the need for forgiveness.
That's my summary of Ray's teaching, and I agree with him. You do see these patterns in some of today's evangelism, and Ray's teaching is centered on the biblical model of evangelism. Please share your thoughts (and read the article if you haven't).
Ray's influential teaching called "Hells Best Kept Secret" is a message to the church and the saints on the true method of evangelism: the use of God's law (the ten commandments) to convince nonbelievers of their need for salvation. Ray argues that the church today has adopted the "life enhancement" method of sharing the gospel. Instead of preaching that nonbelievers are in danger of an eternity in hell without God as result of their unrepentant sin; a majority of modern day evangelism focuses to convince people that Jesus will make their life better and more fulfilled. And he does do this (and will); however, if a person isn't convinced that they NEED Christ's salvation as forgiveness for their sins FIRST, they will have a hard time on the journey of the Christian life. The Bible says that all believers will face persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). Therefore, it a believer isn't joyful of their salvation because of what they know that Christ spared them from (God's judgment and an eternity in Hell), then they are in danger of falling away from the faith and not trusting God when times are tough and persecution comes. Therefore, it is imperative that as we seek to share the gospel, according to Ray's teaching and the teachings of the Bible - that we speak to people about how they've broken God's law and need His forgiveness. Only when you've convinced someone of God offering them a free gift of having spared them from a penalty that we all deserve (as we've all broken God's law) will that person become an authentic follower of Christ. Sharing the gospel and only focusing on grace and life fulfillment (and not first on repentance) is not sharing the true gospel. God's grace in salvation is equally important in the gospel message - but it follows the true repentance of a person for breaking God's law and the need for forgiveness.
That's my summary of Ray's teaching, and I agree with him. You do see these patterns in some of today's evangelism, and Ray's teaching is centered on the biblical model of evangelism. Please share your thoughts (and read the article if you haven't).
Friday, September 25, 2009
For my first post, I thought it was appropriate to draft my faith journey. I came to knowledge of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at a very young age, so young that I don't even remember my exact age (likely 4 or 5). I remember my Mom reading to my brother and I one evening and explaining to us the need for salvation from God through His Son, Jesus Christ. My parents served a wonderful Christian example in my life, and I thank God for their leadership and commitment to Christ that they evidenced in their lives (and continue to do so). Over the years, I have reaffirmed my faith in Christ and the acceptance of His free gift of salvation many times, through repentance from sin, acknowledging that He is the Son of God, that he died on the cross for my sins in my place, and that he is truly Lord of my life!
However, I must confess that my faith journey through my teen, college, and young adult years at times was a little stagnant. I really didn't challenge myself much in my faith in those years. I wasn't growing in my relationship with God, and it most certainly showed in my life. Only recently have I felt a deep passion for God's Word and discipleship - a deeper passion than at any point in my life. Which brings me to a large reason for this blog. Even if no one other than me ever reads this blog, I still desire to regularly articulate my thoughts on the Christian life, on the issues of theology as well as issues of the day. I also seek a closer walk with my Savior, and hopefully, through careful thought and journaling of these topics, the Lord will provide me with more knowledge and understanding.
I find the more reading, studying, and thinking I do on the things of God, the more questions that I have. I feel myself questioning and pondering the things of God that I used to take for granted and assumed I had a handle on. Part of me feels a little troubled in doing all of this questioning, while the other part of me is starting to realize that this is, in a way, the essence of one's walk with God. We don't have all of the answers. No theologian or biblical scholar has all of the answers. We are mere men, created in God's image. God is God. And I believe that God takes joy in our seeking Him, in our questions, and in our humble submission to Him and His will in our lives. Acknowledging to God, regularly, that I don't have all of the answers, that I desire to know Him and His will, that I need Him to make it through the day, that I desire his companionship and whatever wisdom he chooses to reveal to me - all of these things I believe only strengthens the relationship.
I love the newly found passion I have for learning and studying the things of God, and I thank God for it. I regret letting so much time in my life pass by seeking the things of this world instead of things of God. However, God is always faithful, and he's always been faithful in our relationship. He created me, He sustains me, he's forgiven me, he sacrificed His Son for me to pay the penalty for MY sins. How could I not want to know more about HIM?! How could I not want to pursue God more and more each day, to know Him and His Word, to seek to obey His Word, not out of obligation but out of thankfulness, honor, praise, and gratitude for what He's done for me. And how can I not talk about what God has done for me? How can I not speak about the relationship that I have with Him? Whether it be complete strangers or my closest family and friends (whom both, I hope, will dialog with me on this blog) - how can I not talk about my relationship with Christ, my journey in faith with him, and my desire to truly "Live His Word".
However, I must confess that my faith journey through my teen, college, and young adult years at times was a little stagnant. I really didn't challenge myself much in my faith in those years. I wasn't growing in my relationship with God, and it most certainly showed in my life. Only recently have I felt a deep passion for God's Word and discipleship - a deeper passion than at any point in my life. Which brings me to a large reason for this blog. Even if no one other than me ever reads this blog, I still desire to regularly articulate my thoughts on the Christian life, on the issues of theology as well as issues of the day. I also seek a closer walk with my Savior, and hopefully, through careful thought and journaling of these topics, the Lord will provide me with more knowledge and understanding.
I find the more reading, studying, and thinking I do on the things of God, the more questions that I have. I feel myself questioning and pondering the things of God that I used to take for granted and assumed I had a handle on. Part of me feels a little troubled in doing all of this questioning, while the other part of me is starting to realize that this is, in a way, the essence of one's walk with God. We don't have all of the answers. No theologian or biblical scholar has all of the answers. We are mere men, created in God's image. God is God. And I believe that God takes joy in our seeking Him, in our questions, and in our humble submission to Him and His will in our lives. Acknowledging to God, regularly, that I don't have all of the answers, that I desire to know Him and His will, that I need Him to make it through the day, that I desire his companionship and whatever wisdom he chooses to reveal to me - all of these things I believe only strengthens the relationship.
I love the newly found passion I have for learning and studying the things of God, and I thank God for it. I regret letting so much time in my life pass by seeking the things of this world instead of things of God. However, God is always faithful, and he's always been faithful in our relationship. He created me, He sustains me, he's forgiven me, he sacrificed His Son for me to pay the penalty for MY sins. How could I not want to know more about HIM?! How could I not want to pursue God more and more each day, to know Him and His Word, to seek to obey His Word, not out of obligation but out of thankfulness, honor, praise, and gratitude for what He's done for me. And how can I not talk about what God has done for me? How can I not speak about the relationship that I have with Him? Whether it be complete strangers or my closest family and friends (whom both, I hope, will dialog with me on this blog) - how can I not talk about my relationship with Christ, my journey in faith with him, and my desire to truly "Live His Word".
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